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Bipolar Junction Transistor

A Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) has three terminals connected to three doped semiconductor regions. In an NPN transistor, a thin and lightly doped P-type base is sandwiched between a heavily doped N-type emitter and another N-type collector; while in a PNP transistor, a thin and lightly doped N-type base is sandwiched between a heavily doped P-type emitter and another P-type collector. In the following we…

NPN Transistor

Bipolar junction transistors are of two types mainly. NPN transistor is one of the types of Transistors (BPT). NPN stands for Negative-Positive-Negative configuration. It is the most often used in all type of transistors. Basically, in NPN transistors two n-type (negative) materials dope the single p-type (negative) materials. In simple words, one p-type semiconductor material is…

PNP Transistor

The PNP transistor is a mystery to many. But it doesn’t have to be. If you want to design circuits with transistors, it’s really worth knowing about this type of transistor. A PNP transistor will “turn on” when you have a small current running from emitter to base of the transistor. When I say “turn…

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